Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® was included in a recent study investigating the ability of Coronavirus to survive on surfaces and what biocidal agents are capable of inactivating the viruses. The researchers evaluated published studies, which focused on SARS coronavirus and MERS coronavirus, showing that the viruses c
Going Green and Staying Clean: Using Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide as a Disinfectant in Rodent Facilities
The purpose of this study was to determine if Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide is a viable alternative disinfectant to chlorine dioxide in rodent facilities. It was concluded that AHP is as effective as chlorine dioxide when used during rodent cage changes.
Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Microbicidal Activities of Hard Surface Disinfectants: Are Their Label Claims Based on Testing Under Field Conditions?
For surface disinfection, the testing and label claims of many common disinfectants do not reflect the realities of field use.
Chlorine Dioxide or Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide: Can we switch? Do we want to? Did it work?
Maintaining a high level of sanitation is essential for animal research facilities. Researcher and technician compliance, including appropriate application, is a common problem. Historically, our standard protocol included using a Chlorine Dioxide disinfectant (Clidox-S) followed by a wipe down with a less corrosive cl
Efficacy of Improved Hydrogen Peroxide against Important Healthcare-Associated Pathogens
This study was designed to test in vitro efficacy of improved hydrogen peroxide (HP) products against standard HP and Quat products. Improved HP was shown to be significantly superior to standard HP.
Trial to compare the impact of an improved hydrogen peroxide disinfectant and a quaternary ammonium-based disinfectant on surface contamination and healthcare outcomes
This study assessed the disinfectant efficacy between a Quat based product and Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®). AHP® reduced HAIs by 23% when compliance was ≥80%.
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Disinfectant Footmats for the Reduction of Bacterial Contamination on Footwear in a Large Animal Veterinary Hospital
This study compared the efficacy of 4 different disinfectants used in footmats for decreasing bacterial contamination of footwear in a large animal hospital. AHP® was found to significantly reduce bacteria on overboots.